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Value Engineering

Better decisions, better protection, and lower costs from the start

Security program Value Engineering (VE) is often overlooked in commercial and residential construction projects, creating a huge missed opportunity to optimize a site security program's long-term effectiveness and efficiency – Leaving a site with bloated operational costs supporting a security program attempting to counter unknown or poorly defined threats. All built upon wasted capital expenditures.  

S6RG offers security program VE services beginning in the earliest stages of construction and continuing through completion and commissioning. We ensure security is embedded in a project from the start, mitigating risk and avoiding costly overruns, unanticipated losses, and ineffective post-completion security programs. 

We identify and mitigate security risks before shovels go in the ground, eliminating the unknowns, minimizing costs, and optimizing program effectiveness while enhancing a site's commercial appeal and viability.  

Our risk-based approach is disciplined, systematic, and tested, utilizing techniques proven over 20 years of security project management, technology, and program design experience.




















Our approach:

  • Completing a comprehensive Threat and Vulnerability Risk Assessment (TVRA)

  • Defining project risks, objectives, constraints, and dependencies

  • Establishing a project budget and cost allocation plan 

  • Identifying alternative, competing security solutions and vendors for identified risks

  • Completing risk-based, prioritized, cost-benefit analysis

  • Completing security infrastructure life-cycle cost and warranty analysis

  • Defining Key Performance Indicators

  • Engaging site stakeholders, contractors, and vendors

  • Hosting Value Engineering and change management workshops

  • Conducting systems and program testing, evaluation, and commissioning

  • Developing and hosting staff training and awareness

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