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Assessment Categories
  • Active Assailant

  • Crimes Against Persons

  • Improvised Explosive Devices (IED)

  • Local events and activities

  • Suspicious packages/mail/vehicles

  • Trespass/Vagrants

  • Workplace Violence/Insider Threats

Physical Protection systems (PPS):

  • Access Control

  • Lighting (Illumination)

  • People and Vehicle systems


  • Public access

  • Fencing

  • Natural Access Control (CPTED)

  • Perimeters (hard & soft)

  • Site Maintenance


  • Affiliates

  • Policies, procedures, and controls

  • Schedules


  • CapEx - Infrastructure

  • Future state vs. current state

  • Operational vs. market

  • Crimes Against Property

  • Civil Disturbance

  • Law enforcement capabilities and response

  • Organized crime

  • Tenant directed threats

  • Terrorism (Indiscriminate/Targeted)

  • Data support networks

  • Notification & Response Systems

  • Security Video

  • External grounds

  • Lines of Sight (LOS)

  • Parking

  • Service entrances

  • Vehicle controls

  • Contracts

  • Staffing & Supervision

  • Tenants

  • Cost-benefit analysis of recommendations

  • Existing and recommended

  • Risk buy-down options and alternatives

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