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sUAS Operating Rules

All S6RG sUAS (drone) flight operations (mission) are conducted in compliance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Part 107 governing the operation of sUAVs. They will be governed by the following Standard Operating Procedures (SOP):


  • Each mission will be planned and must be authorized by an FAA-licensed Commercial Pilot (fixed, rotary wing, sUAS) and flown by an FAA Certified sUAS Remote Pilot in Command (rPIC). 


  • Each mission is customized to meet a client's specifications and unique site requirements. A pre-determined flight profile (direction/s, altitude, airspeed) will be programmed into the aircraft and controller device before take-off using GPS-designated waypoints. 


  • S6RG sUAS are equipped with state-of-the-art obstacle detection and avoidance capabilities with precision Return to Home (RTH) functionality. All aircraft can be manually controlled if required by mission parameters, failure of in-flight automation, or in the event of an inflight or emergency. 


  • During each flight, two-radio traffic will be monitored with the Air Traffic Control (ATC) authority responsible for the airspace over, or within, each flight operates on published frequencies, as required by FAA regulations. 


  • In addition to active monitoring, an S6RG rPIC will have the ability to, where allowed by FAA and FCC regulations, communicate directly with manned aircraft operating at non-towered airports on published Common Traffic Advisory Frequencies (CTAF) within proximity to the flight operations if required to coordinate operations and ensure the safety of flight.


  • Any missions originating or required to operate in Controlled Airspace (Class B, C, D, E) will be required to receive pre-authorization by the FAA and Air Traffic Control (ATC).


  • Any missions that may require flights over any human beings will be operated by a Category 2 sUAS in compliance with applicable FAA regulations. 


  • All flights will be conducted under Visual Metrological Conditions (VMC) with a minimum horizontal visibility of at least 3-Statute Miles (SM) and a cloud ceiling of 1,000 feet Above Ground Level (AGL) in Class B,C,D, and E airspace and 800 feet AGL  in Class G airspace.


  • No flights will exceed 400' AGL unless outside of controlled airspace and authorized under FAA Part 107.


  • S6RG will maintain baseline sUAS insurance (Liability and hull) with the option of adding mission-specific increased limits of liability as client requirements and mission parameters may require.

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