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  • Writer's picturePatrick Hurley

No...You can't do a "Physical" security assessment remotely!

I have recently been asked, several times if it's possible to effectively conduct a virtual physical security assessment. The answer is, unless your site is incredibly low risk, NO. I have worked with, been around, and seen numerous "Virtual Guarding" companies who claim they can do a "remote" security assessment, and design and implement your new virtual guarding program while "eliminating" your onsite guards without ever sending someone onsite - Except, of course, to install new cameras they may, after looking at your views (remotely of course) determine you need. Don't fall for it.

I am a big believer in the effectiveness of virtual guarding and it's potential. I believe it's revolutionizing the guarding industry and will be, or should be, part of every onsite security program.....but not by compromising on security fundamentals.

There are several excellent companies offering virtual guarding services who understand this. Unfortunately, it seems like there are even more who don't - Just wanting to sell you cameras (often near EOL excess inventory or ones that come with incentives... for them) and monitoring services..... not better security.

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