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Physical Protection Programs

Customized Physical Protection Programs (PPP) designed to protect people and property from an array of threats including petty, organized, and violent crimes, theft, unauthorized access, sabotage, terrorism and information loss. 


Our programs include a comprehensive set of measures adhering to proven fundamentals founded on the principles of Protection-In-Depth and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), designed to detect and deter most threats before they can cause damage, injury or disrupt operations. 


Built on, and supported by, the most advanced security technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Situational Awareness (SA) tools in the industry, key elements of each program we design include:  


1. Perimeter Security: Establishing physical and virtual, soft and hard, layered perimeters to establish stand-off, methodically detect threats, and trigger response protocols. We maximize the use of a site’s natural and man-made physical attributes while integrating supporting technologies to include video, video analytics, and motion detection.

2. Access Control: Access control systems, policies, procedures, and controls to accurately credential, authenticate and monitor authorized personnel while denying access to all others.  


3. Lighting: Maximize the use of external and internal lighting as a detection, deterrent, response, and forensic tool while providing safety and a sense of security for, personnel transiting areas in the off-hours or outside normal Lines-of-Sight (LOS).

4. Communications: Integrated communications to seamlessly coordinate mass notifications, onsite incident management, and public agency notification, prioritization, and response. 

5. Incident Response: Customized incident response policies and procedures developed and implemented to address potential security incidents, emergencies, or other contingencies including site lock-down, evacuation and incident/event response and management.  

6. Security Personnel and Officers: The procurement, training, and management of required security personnel hired to supplement the onsite program. These licensed and trained individuals may be responsible for conducting patrols, monitoring video, responding to security breaches or other incidents, and providing a human deterrent when required. 

7. Training and Awareness: The training of site personnel to increase awareness of security threats, response, and the capabilities of the onsite security programs.

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